Global Executive MBA at RSM (2024)

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Meet our students

Meet our students

Meet current and previous International GEMBA students.

Johanna Cardenas

Global Executive MBA Class of 2025

Colombian and Spanish

M&A manager at Azelis in Belgium

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Global Executive MBA at RSM (1)

Joseph Zekry

Global Executive MBA Class of 2025

Egyptian & Belgian

Owner of ZekryTech

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Global Executive MBA at RSM (2)

Leonardo Palú

Global Executive MBA Class of 2025


In between jobs, most recently head of sales and circular business at RHI Magnesita

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Global Executive MBA at RSM (3)

Alex Lucouw

Global Executive MBA Class of 2025

South African

Scrum Master at Wärtsilä

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Global Executive MBA at RSM (4)

Shambhu Sharma

Global Executive MBA Class of 2024

Indian, lives in NL for 12 years

Delivery manager at TomTom

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Global Executive MBA at RSM (5)

Claire Koplimaa

Global Executive MBA Class of 2024


Chief of staff to the CEO at Qventus

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Global Executive MBA at RSM (6)

Ayoub Saboumazrag

Global Executive MBA Class of 2024


SVP Global IT & Group Deputy CIO at Majorel

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Global Executive MBA at RSM (8)

Candy Yu

Global Executive MBA Class of 2024

Taiwanese and Dutch

Co-founder, owner and supervisor of Spire Corp

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Global Executive MBA at RSM (9)

Dipen Shah

Global Executive MBA Class of 2024


Head of protein sciences at ZoBio BV

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Global Executive MBA at RSM (10)

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Why this programme

Why this programme

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5 reasons to do a Global Executive MBA at RSM

Class profile

Class profile

To view the full class profile of Global Executive MBA Class of 2025, please click here.

Global Executive MBA at RSM (12)


Complete your Global Executive MBA (GEMBA) over 21transformative months. To help you develop as a Strategic leader our GEMBA programme offers you a highly personalised educational experience.

It includes a self-assessment of your development needs, (team) leadership challenge, personalised strategic leadership development plan, data-driven monitoring of your progress, one-to-one coaching, a choice of 3 electives and more.

Personal Leadership Development is interwoven throughout your Global Executive MBA experience. The Strategic Leadership Development track focuses on the development of the competencies that managers will need to bring to the table to successfully serve as a strategic leader. These skills and attitudes comprise a both personal leadership (PL) and strategic leadership (SL) component.

Because of its flexible, modular format, you will be able to experiment with new approaches learnt on campus back at the workplace as you progress.

You can view the GEMBA calendar to find out it this programme is a fit, please click here.

Global Experiential Learning courses (GEL)

Global Executive MBA at RSM (13)

Strategic Leadership Development (SLD)

    Global Executive MBA at RSM (14)
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    The Global Experiential Learning (GEL) courses* are designed to provide you an appreciation of business in context. We will zoom in on four sets of concrete strategic challenges that C-suite executives are likely to face, now or in the near future.

    GELs will include:

    • Interactive content sessions on specific strategic challenges and/or decisions
    • Senior level guest speakers engaged in such challenges
    • Company visits
    • Travel to locations that are global hotbeds

    The programme currently incorporates 4 carefully curated sets of strategic challenges:

    1. Leading Digital Transformation
    2. Leading Entrepreneurship and Venturing
    3. Leading Corporate Strategy & Development
    4. Leading with Impact in Developing and Emerging Countries
    Read more

    The Strategic Leadership Development track focuses on the development of the competencies that managers will need to bring to the table to successfully serve as a strategic leader.

    These skills and attitudes comprise a both personal leadership (PL) and strategic leadership (SL) component.

    The Personal Leadership (PL) component seeks to develop the foundational leadership competencies that individuals need to function as a leader or organisations and/or teams.

    For example:

    • Ability to stay curious (understand and connect well with others)
    • Dealing with power & politics
    • Creating a mindset of ecological well-being
    • Having a sense of purpose

    The Strategic Leadership (SL) Development component will focus on the skills and attitudes - that managers need to fulfil - in a role as strategic leaders of business as a whole.

    During the GEMBA programme the focus will be on skills and attitudes required to function at – or just below – the C-suite level. Topics include:

    • Monitoring the performance of the business as a whole
    • Diagnosing, identifying, and defining problems at a strategic level
    • Developing a vision for the business
    • Translating the vision into strategic objectives
    • Identifying and engaging with relevant objectives
    • Implementing strategic/ C-suite decisions
    • Continuance of these strategic processes and activities going forward

    Module 1 (September - February)

    • Strategic Leadership Development track (10 EC)
    • Global Marketing Management (4 EC)
      • This course integrates psychological andeconomic theories used in traditional marketing strategy with new insights andtechniques based in data science to offersubstantial efficiency in marketing endeavours. We will discuss the implications of big-data and the evolving internet economy on traditional durable goods aswell as newly emerging product domains.Additionally, given the exceedinglyinterconnected world, we willdiscuss thesocial, environmental, andethical implications of marketing inthisnew era.
    • Managerial Decision Analysis (3 EC)
      • Complexity in decision making comes frommany factors. This course focuses onthe difficulties arising from quantitative decision making in an environment withuncertainty and risk and presents differentmethodologies to deal with theminreal-life problems. The course exposes you to common decision-making pitfalls and discusses howdecision making is likely to change overthe next decades due to the riseof Artificial Intelligence.
    • Global Operations Management (4 EC)
      • This course will introduce you to concepts and techniques that are essential for the design, planning, control and improvement of global service and manufacturing operations. You will explore topics such ascapacity, inventory andsupply chain management and learn basic tools for analysing operations problems, methods formanaging an aspect of operations inareal situation, as well asproviding astrategic view, typically using cases, ofthataspect ofoperations.
    • Topics in Global Business and Management (1 EC)
      • The rapid changes in global business andsociety mean that new perspectives areneeded to prepare strategic leaders for an uncertain future. This course will not onlyinvite top-level executives, experts, andfaculty to help you to envisage and understand which global mega-trends maybe coming our way, but will also offer anintroduction tosome practical tools (suchasscenario-analysis, for example) tohelp strategic leaders to navigate anuncertain future.
    • Global Experiential Learning: Leading Digital Transformation & Study visit (3 EC)

    Module 2 (March - July)

    • Strategic Leadership Development track (continued)
    • Strategy in a Global Arena (4 EC)
      • Strategic management is concerned with what is perhaps the most pressing issuefor strategic leaders: how can I make my firm outperform its competitors? Toformulate value-creating strategies, managers must identify core competencies, analyse industry environments, and develop new ways of outcompeting their rivals. Theoverall aim ofthis course is to help you to think like astrategist and contribute to C-suite level strategic decision-making.
    • Financial Accounting and Analysis (3 EC)
      • This course provides a common language and a toolbox to make rational decisions that involve monetary value. Understanding this subject matter will make you a more professional manager. Moreover, understanding the limitations of financial analysis and accounting will enable you to challenge management plans more effectively. This course gives you the foundational knowledge that any C-suite member needs to use and evaluate financial information and contribute to discussions and decision-making with respect to finance and accounting.
    • Leading and Managing Global Organizations (4 EC)
      • Managing people and organisational development is a mission critical C-suite competency that no business can afford todo without. Managers of globally active businesses needto continuously readjust their organisations to volatile or uncertain environments; navigate international and culturally highly diverse contexts; develop and engage withacompetitive workforce based on the business’ value proposition; andengage ininformed decision-making using evolving techniques such as people analytics, big data, and artificial intelligence. In sum, leading and managing a globally active organisation at a C-suite level requires specific knowledge, skills and attitudes. Thiscourse seeks to hone and develop theseskills, so you can develop and lead organisations with purpose.
    • Topics in Global Business and Management (continued)
    • Global Experiential Learning: Leading Entrepreneurship and Venturing & Study visit (3 EC)

    Module 3 (August - March)

    • Strategic Leadership Development track (continued)
    • Elective 1 (3 EC)
    • Elective 2 (3 EC)
    • Elective 3 (3 EC)
    • Topics in Global Business and Management (continued)
    • Corporate Governance (3 EC)
      • Corporate governance is about getting “therules of the game” right within which firms can secure resources, develop their core activities and business models, secure their societal licence to operate, and create and capture value for their shareholders andstakeholders. Rather than presenting anoptimal corporate governance set-up that suits all firms, we will discuss the ownership and governance choices ofthe firm as a matter of strategic design anddecision-making.

    • Corporate Finance in a Global Environment (4 EC)
      • Visionary business leaders of the future need a toolbox that helps them to tackle some tough strategic decisions. In this course, wediscuss some of the toughest financial decisions senior managers may have to take, such as: What is the best capital structure for mycompany? Should I diversify my company or shouldIfocus, and what is the impact onmycorporate cost of capital? What are the financial pros and cons ofhaving a stock market listing versus being privately held? Given your company has a stock marketlisting, what can you do to improve the stock’s liquidity? How do you redistribute the net profits ofyour corporation?

    • Global Experiential Learning: Leading Corporate Strategy and Development & Study visit (3 EC)

    Module 4 (April - June)

    • Strategic Leadership Development track (continued)
    • Economics for Global Business Managers (3 EC)
      • This course seeks to enable you to apply foundational concepts and insights from micro- and macro-economics to analyze some of the most relevant trends and issues inglobal businesses today. Specifically, thiscourse will discuss concepts such as incentives and behavior, market power and market structures, asymmetric information, vertical integration, and outsourcing, for example, to analyze phenomena such as the international fragmentation in trade and FDI, economic crises and contagion, the role of multinationals in global business, regulation, trade agreements, as well as other current phenomena that are important for strategic leaders in global business.
    • Global Experiential Learning: Leading with Impact in Emerging and Developing Economics & Study visit South Africa (3 EC)


    ​​​​​​Choose 3 electives from a selection of programme- and school offerings that will help you tocustomise the knowledge and skills development that you need or desire todevelop further. Here are some examples of elective courses on offer.

    • Change management/strategic business change leadership
    • Managing corporate turnarounds
    • Mergers and acquisitions
    • Business negotiations
    • Financial engineering
    • Brand management


    World-class thought leadership on global business.

    Our faculty are leading thinkers, researchers and practitioners of global business. Theirresearchis published by top academic journals, and their expertise is regularly sought by theFinancial Times, Harvard Business Reviewand a host of leading newspapers and media outlets. RSM professors investigate the most pressing and relevant dimensions of global management, and their thought leadership informs the decisions of C-suites and boards of some of the world’s leading business organisations.

    Global scholars

    RSM faculty research the most critical issues facing businesses around the world. From innovation to entrepreneurship to supply management and beyond, they shed critical new light on the challenges our organisations face in uncertain times. TheErasmus Research Institute of Managementis ranked among Europe’s top three think tanks. Joining the EMBA programme at RSM will give you the opportunity to interact with world-class scholars on the critical issues that face your business and your leadership.

    Industry leaders

    No one understands today’s business climate better than those who actually navigate it every day — the leaders of industry and government. At RSM, you’ll get their expert perspectives first-hand, learning from big-name professionals who share invaluable insights about the real world, directly with you and your peers.

    At RSM, we are porud to claim:

    • More than 50 years of experience in business and management education

    • One of Europe’s top 10 research facilities

    • A consistent ranking among Europe’s top-ranked business schools

    • A place among the 1% of schools worldwide with Triple Crown accreditation

    • One of the world’s largest and most-cited business school faculty: 250 senior researchers and 150 PhD students

    • 35 research centres and initiatives

    • 150+ International partner schools.

    Faculty Members

    Teaching the Global Experiential Learning (GEL) course in the GEMBA programme is an invigorating experience. The course, focused on "Leading Digital Transformation," allows us to dive deeply into the multifaceted challenges and opportunities posed by digitalization. The enthusiasm and rich perspectives that students bring to this course make each session a rich mosaic of thought-provoking discussions. I find myself equally enriched by these interactions and am already excited about the fresh perspectives the next cohort will offer.

    Ting Li, Professor of Digital Business

    Global Executive MBA at RSM (15)

    Decision-making is the compass of destiny, guiding us through a vast sea of possibilities in an ever-changing world. Through an engaging curriculum, we will delve deep into the intricacies of risk analysis, the nuances of behavioral biases, and the art of effective problem framing, equipping them with the tools to make informed and unbiased decisions in complex scenarios

    Ioannis Fragkos, Associate Professor in the Department of Technology and Operations Management

    Global Executive MBA at RSM (16)


    Do you have any questions about our Global Executive MBA (GEMBA) programme? Find answers to commonly asked questions in our FAQ section, covering programme structure, faculty, admissions, and more.

    1. What is the difference between Global Executive MBA (GEMBA), Executive MBA (EMBA) and Full-time MBA (FTMBA)?

    The main difference between the GEMBA, EMBA, FTMBA programmes lies in the career stage of the participants. FTMBA typically caters to early-stage professionals seeking significant changes in geography, industry, or function. In contrast, EMBA targets mid-career professionals aiming for career acceleration, while GEMBA is designed for senior-level executives, including those on the brink of joining executive boards. This difference in career stage is reflected in the programme's approach to learning. FTMBA often poses hypothetical scenarios for discussion, EMBA deals with real-time challenges professionals are facing, and GEMBA focuses on reflecting on past decisions in light of actual experiences. Furthermore, as participants progress through the programmes, courses delve deeper into various managerial issues and challenges, aligning with the increasing expertise and maturity of the cohort.

    2. Who are the students doing a Global Executive MBA?

    There are different characteristics to the kind of students that are doing a GEMBA. To have a better understanding of the class profile, please click here.

    3. What is the ranking for the GEMBA?

    The GEMBA programme doesn't have an official ranking yet because it's relatively new. However, with this year (2024) marking its third consecutive successful run, the programme becomes eligible for ranking. It's worth noting that RSM’s Full-Time MBA is currently ranked 61 globally, and the GEMBA programme shares the same faculty and environment.

    4. How will I determine which MBA programme aligns best with my aspirations and work experience? Should I consider FTMBA, EMBA, or GEMBA?

    The existence of three different MBA programmes is primarily driven by the tools, knowledge, and attitude (TKA) required for your current and future roles. Your TKA needs often vary at early, mid, and senior levels. Therefore, we provide you with the appropriate TKA tailored to your current and near-future circ*mstances.

    To make your choice clearer, consider the following guidelines:

    • If you’re in the early stages of your career, say between 3 to 5 years, then consider inquiring about the FTMBA.
    • If you're at a mid-career stage, around 5 to 8 years of experience, and you're aiming for or already in a junior managerial role at an operational level, the EMBA is likely the best fit for you.
    • If you're at or beyond the senior-career stage with 10 years or more of experience, and your background includes senior managerial responsibilities or you're about to delve into strategic decision-making, then the GEMBA programme is probably your ideal choice.

    In any case, reach out to us if you are not clear about your choices, we will gladly help you determine the best possible match.

    5. What does a GEMBA class look like? Can I attend a class?

    A GEMBA class is inherently composed of senior individuals. Usually international and intimate, with around 25 – 30 studentsoften including senior decision-makers. Discussions in this setting are primarily centered around broadening leadership, strategic, and global perspectives. Additionally, a GEMBA class is characterised by inspiration, non-technical, highly structured, and a focus on investigating concepts and their practical application. Rather than dwelling on theory endlessly, the emphasis is on understanding and discovering practical applications for the topics discussed.

    It's advisable to attend a GEMBA class after completing a preliminary qualification or CV assessment and having a consultation session with the Admissions & Recruitment Manager. This ensures that both parties are confident that you will benefit from attending the class. Reach out to to have a conversation about this.

    To access the complete list of Frequently Asked Questions, please click here.

    Global Executive MBA at RSM (2024)
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    Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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    Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

    Birthday: 1993-01-10

    Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

    Phone: +6806610432415

    Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

    Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

    Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.