Programming with MATLAB: Creating Functions (2024)

Last updated on 2023-12-04 | Edit this page



  • How can I teach MATLAB to do new things?
  • How can I make programs I write more reliable and re-usable?


  • Learn how to write a function
  • Define a function that takes arguments.
  • Compare and contrast MATLAB function files with MATLAB scripts.
  • Recognise why we should divide programs into small, single-purposefunctions.

Writing functions from scratch

It has come to our attention that the data about inflammation thatwe’ve been analysing contains some systematic errors. The measurementswere made using the incorrect scale, with inflammation recorded inArbitrary Inflammation Units (AIU) rather than the scientific standardInternational Inflmmation Units (IIU). Luckily there is a handy formulawhich can be used for converting measurements in AIU to IIU, but itinvolves some hard to remember constants:


inflammation_IIU = (inflammation_AIU + B)*AB = 5.634A = 0.275

There are twelve files worth of data to be converted from AIU to IIU:is there a way we can do this quickly and conveniently? If we have tore-enter the conversion formula multiple times, the chance of us gettingthe constants wrong is high. Thankfully there is a convenient way toteach MATLAB how to do new things, like converting units from AIU toIIU. We can do this by writing a function.

We have already used some predefined MATLAB functions which we canpass arguments to. How can we define our own?

A MATLAB function must be saved in a text file with a.m extension. The name of the file must be the same as thename of the function defined in the file.

The first line of our function is called the functiondefinition and must include the special functionkeyword to let MATLAB know that we are defining a function. Anythingfollowing the function definition line is called the body ofthe function. The keyword end marks the end of the functionbody. The function only knows about code that comes between the functiondefinition line and the end keyword. It will not haveaccess to variables from outside this block of code apart from thosethat are passed in as arguments or input parameters.The rest of our code won’t have access to any variables from inside thisblock, apart from those that are passed out as outputparameters.

A function can have multiple input and output parameters as required,but doesn’t have to have any. The general form of a function is shown inthe pseudo-code below:


function [out1, out2] = function_name(in1, in2) % FUNCTION_NAME Function description % Can add more text for the function help % An example is always useful! % This section below is called the body of the function out1 = calculation using in1 and in2; out2 = another calculation;end

Just as we saw with scripts, functions must be visible toMATLAB, i.e., a file containing a function has to be placed in adirectory that MATLAB knows about. Following the same logic we used withscripts, we will put our source code files in the srcfolder.

Let’s put this into practice to create a function that will teachMATLAB to use our AIU to IIU conversion formula. Create a file calledinflammation_AIU_to_IIU.m in the src folder,enter the following function definition, and save the file:


function inflammation_in_IIU = inflammation_AIU_to_IIU(inflammation_in_AIU) % INFLAMMATION_AIU_TO_IIU Convert inflammation mesured in AIU to inflammation measued in IIU. A = 0.275; B = 5.634; inflammation_in_IIU = (inflammation_in_AIU + B)*A;end

We can now call our function as we would any other function inMATLAB:


>> inflammation_AIU_to_IIU(0.5)


ans = 1.6869

We got the number we expected, and at first glance it seems like itis almost the same as a script. However, if you look at the variables inthe workspace, you’ll probably notice one big difference. Although avariable called inflammation_in_IIU was defined in thefunction, it does not exist in our workspace.

Lets have a look using the debugger to see what is happening.

When we pass a value, like 0.5, to the function, it isassigned to the variable inflammation_in_AIU so that it canbe used in the body of the function. To return a value from thefunction, we must assign that value to the variableinflammation_in_IIU from our function definition line. Whatever value inflammation_in_IIU has when theend keyword in the function definition is reached, thatwill be the value returned.

Outside the function, the variables inflammation_in_AIU,inflammation_in_IIU, A, and Baren’t accessible; they are only used by in function body.

This is one of the major differences between scripts and functions: ascript can be thought of as automating the command line, with fullaccess to all variables in the base workspace, whereas a function hasits own separate workspace.

To be able to access variables from your workspace inside a function,you have to pass them in as inputs. To be able to save variables to yourworkspace, it needs to return them as outputs.

As with any operation, if we want to save the result, we need toassign the result to a variable, for example:


>> val_in_IIU = inflammation_AIU_to_IIU(0.5)


val_in_IIU = 1.6869

And we can see val_in_IIU saved in our workspace.

Writing your own conversion function

We’d like a function that reverses the conversion of AIU to IIU.Re-arrange the conversion formula and write a function calledinflammation_IIU_to_AIU that converts inflammation measuedin IIU to inflammation measured in AIU.

Remember to save your function definition in a file with the requiredname, start the file with the function definition line, followed by thefunction body, ending with the end keyword.


function inflammation_in_AIU = inflammation_IIU_to_AIU(inflammation_in_IIU) % INFLAMMTION_IIU_TO_AIU Convert inflammation measured in IIU to inflammation measured in AIU. A = 0.275; B = 5.634; inflammation_in_AIU = inflammation_in_IIU/A - B;end

Functions that work on arrays

One of the benefits of writing functions in MATLAB is that often theywill also be able to operate on an array of numerical variables forfree.

This will work when each operation in the function can be applied toan array too. In our example, we are adding a number and multiplying byanother, both of which work on arrays.

This will make converting the inflammation data in our files usingthe function we’ve just written very quick. Give it a go!

Transforming scripts into functions

In the patient_analysis script we created, we can choosewhich patient to analyse by modifying the variablepatient_number. If we want information about patient 13, weneed to open patient_analysis.m, go to line 9, modify thevariable, save and then run patient_analysis. This is a lotof steps for such a simple request.

Can we use what we’ve learned about writing functions to transform(or refactor) our script into a function, increasing itsusefulness in the process?

We already have a .m file calledpatient_analysis, so lets begin by defining a function withthat name.

Open the patient_analysis.m file, if you don’t alreadyhave it open. Instead of line 9, where patient_number isset, we want to provide that variable as an input. So lets remove thatline, and right at the top of our script we’ll add the functiondefinition telling MATLAB what our function is called and what inputs itneeds. The function will take the variable patient_numberas input and since we removed the line that assigned a value to thatvariable, the input will decide which patient is analysed.


function patient_analysis(patient_number) % PATIENT_ANALYSIS Computes mean, max and min of a patient and compares to global statistics. % Takes the patient number as an input, and prints the relevant information to console. % Sample usage: % patient_analysis(5) % Load patient data patient_data = readmatrix('data/base/inflammation-01.csv'); % Compute global statistics g_mean = mean(patient_data(:)); g_max = max(patient_data(:)); g_min = min(patient_data(:)); % Compute patient statistics p_mean = mean(patient_data(patient_number,:)); p_max = max(patient_data(patient_number,:)); p_min = min(patient_data(patient_number,:)); % Compare patient vs global disp('Patient:') disp(patient_number) disp('High mean?') disp(p_mean > g_mean) disp('Highest max?') disp(p_max == g_max) disp('Lowest min?') disp(p_min == g_min)end

Congratulations! You’ve now created a MATLAB function from a MATLABscript!

You may have noticed that the code inside the function is indented.MATLAB does not need this, but it makes it much more readable!

Lets clear our workspace and run our function in the commandline:


>> clear>> clc>> patient_analysis(13)


Patient 13:High mean? 0Highest max? 0Lowest min? 1

So now we can get the patient analysis of whichever patient we want,and we do not need to modify patient_analysis.m anymore.However, you may have noticed that we have no variables in ourworkspace. Remember, inside the function, the variablespatient_data, g_mean, g_max,g_min, p_mean, p_max, andp_min are created, but then they are deleted when thefunction ends. If we want to save them, we need to pass them asoutputs.

Lets say, for example, that we want to save the mean of each patient.In our patient_analysis.m we already compute the value andsave it in p_mean, but we need to tell MATLAB that we wantthe function to return it.

To do that we modify the function definition like this:


function p_mean = patient_analysis(patient_number)

It is important that the variable name is the same that is usedinside the function.

If we now run our function in the command line, we get:


p13 = patient_analysis(13)


Patient 5:High mean? 0Highest max? 0Lowest min? 1p13 = 0.1049

We could return more outputs if we want. For example, lets return themin and max as well. To do that, we need to specify all the outputs insquare brackets, as an array. So we need to replace the functiondefinition for:


function [p_mean,p_max,p_min] = patient_analysis(patient_number)

To call our function now we need to provide space for all 3 outputs,so in the command line, we run it as:


[p13_mean,p13_max,p13_min] = patient_analysis(13)


Patient 5:High mean? 0Highest max? 0Lowest min? 1p13_mean = 0.1049p13_max = 0.3450p13_min = 0


Note If you had not provided space for all theoutputs, Matlab assumes you are only interested in the first one, soans would save the mean.

Plotting daily average of different data files

Look back at the plot_daily_average script. The data andresulting image file names are hard-coded in the script. We actuallyhave 12 datafiles. Turn the script into a function that lets yougenerate the plots for any of the files.

The function should operate on a single data file, and should havetwo parameters: data_file and plot_file. Whencalled, the function should create the three graphs, and save the plotas plot_file.

You should mostly be reusing code from the plot_allscript.


function plot_daily_average(data_file,plot_name) %PLOT_DAILY_AVERAGE Plots daily average, max and min inflammation accross patients. % The function takes the data in data_file and saves it as plot_name % Example usage: % plot_daily_average('data/base/inflammation-03.csv','results/plot3.png') % Load patient data patient_data = readmatrix(data_file); figure(visible='off') % Define tiled layout and labels tlo = tiledlayout(1,3); xlabel(tlo,'Day of trial') ylabel(tlo,'Inflammation') % Plot average inflammation per day nexttile plot(mean(patient_data, 1)) title('Average') % Plot max inflammation per day nexttile plot(max(patient_data, [], 1)) title('Max') % Plot min inflammation per day nexttile plot(min(patient_data, [], 1)) title('Min') % Save plot in 'results' folder as png image: saveas(gcf,plot_name) close()end

Plotting patient vs mean

Create a function called patient_vs_mean that generatesa plot like this one:

Programming with MATLAB: Creating Functions (1)

The function should have the following inputs:

  • per_day_mean - A 1D array with the averageinflammation per day already loaded (you’ll have to load the data andcompute per_day_mean before calling the function).

  • patient_data - A 1D array with the data for thepatient of interest only.

  • patient_reference - A string that will be used toidentify the patient on the plot, and also as a file name (you shouldadd the extension png in your function).

When called, the function should create and save the plot aspatient_reference.png in the results folder.

Look back at the previous lessons if you need to!


function patient_vs_mean(per_day_mean,patient_data,patient_reference) % PATIENT_VS_MEAN Plots the global mean and patient inflammation on top of each other. % per_day_mean should be a vector with the global mean. % patient_data should be a vector with only the patient data. % patient_reference will be used to identify the patient on the plot. % % Sample usage: % patient_data = readmatrix('data/base/inflammation-01.csv'); % per_day_mean = mean(patient_data); % patient_vs_mean(per_day_mean,patient_data(5,:),"Patient 5") figure(visible='off') %Plot per_day_mean plot(per_day_mean,DisplayName="Mean") legend title('Daily average inflammation') xlabel('Day of trial') ylabel('Inflammation') %Overlap patient data hold on plot(patient_data,DisplayName=patient_reference) hold off % Save plot saveas(gcf,"results/"+patient_reference+".png") close()end

Key Points

  • A MATLAB function must be saved in a text file with a.m extension. The name of the file must be the same as thename of the function defined in the file.
  • Define functions using the function keyword to startthe definition, and close the definition with the keywordend.
  • Functions have an independent workspace. Access variables from yourworkspace inside a function by passing them as inputs. Access variablesfrom the function returning them as outputs.
  • The header of a function with inputs an outputs has the form:

function [output_1,output_2,...] = function_name(input_1,input_2,...)

  • Break programs up into short, single-purpose functions withmeaningful names.
Programming with MATLAB: Creating Functions (2024)


Programming with MATLAB: Creating Functions? ›

You can use matlabFunction to generate a MATLAB® function handle that calculates numerical values as if you were substituting numbers for variables in a symbolic expression. Also, matlabFunction can create a file that accepts numeric arguments and evaluates the symbolic expression applied to the arguments.

How to generate a function in MATLAB? ›

You can use matlabFunction to generate a MATLAB® function handle that calculates numerical values as if you were substituting numbers for variables in a symbolic expression. Also, matlabFunction can create a file that accepts numeric arguments and evaluates the symbolic expression applied to the arguments.

Can you write a function in a script in MATLAB? ›

MATLAB® scripts, including live scripts, can contain code to define functions. These functions are called local functions. Local functions are useful if you want to reuse code within a script. By adding local functions, you can avoid creating and managing separate function files.

How do I run a function program in MATLAB? ›

MATLAB runs the function using the first run command in the list. For example, click Run to run myfunction using the command result = myfunction(1:10,5) . MATLAB displays the result in the Command Window. To run the function using a different run command from the list, click Run and select the desired command.

What is the difference between a script and a function in MATLAB? ›

Scripts are the simplest type of code file, since they store commands exactly as you would type them at the command line. However, functions are more flexible and more easily extensible. To calculate the area of another triangle using the same script, you could update the values of b and h in the script and rerun it.

How can a local function be created in MATLAB? ›

Local functions can be added anywhere in the file except within conditional contexts, such as if statements or for loops. For more information, see Add Functions to Scripts. Before R2024a: Local functions in scripts must be defined at the end of the file, after the last line of script code.

How do you code a formula in MATLAB? ›

Go to the Insert tab, click Equation , and select LaTeX Equation. Enter a LaTeX expression in the dialog box that appears. For example, you can enter \sin(x) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}{\frac{(-1)^n x^{2n+1}}{(2n+1)!}} . The preview pane shows a preview of equation as it would appear in the live script.

How to create a mathematical function? ›

Write the Function

If it's a mathematical relationship, then state the mathematical operations that must take place to produce the output. For example if the output of f(x) is produced by doubling the x value and then adding 3 to the result, then you would write 'f(x) = 2x + 3'.

How to do math operations in MATLAB? ›

Basic Arithmetic
  1. Addition. + Add numbers, append strings. sum. Sum of array elements. ...
  2. Subtraction. - Subtraction. diff. ...
  3. Multiplication. .* Multiplication. * ...
  4. Division. ./ Right array division. .\ ...
  5. Powers. .^ Element-wise power. ^ ...
  6. Transpose. .' Transpose vector or matrix. ' ...
  7. Array Sign. uminus. Unary minus. uplus.

How do you convert a MATLAB script to a function? ›

In a MATLAB script, highlight a section of code you'd like to turn into a function and click the Refactor button either in the tool strip or in the right-click dropdown menu. Save this function as a . m file, with the name you give it becoming the function name.

What language is MATLAB script written in? ›

L-shaped membrane logo
Written inC/C++, MATLAB
Operating systemWindows, macOS, and Linux
PlatformIA-32, x86-64, ARM64
7 more rows

Can MATLAB run Python script? ›

Run Python Code

To execute Python statements in the Python interpreter from the MATLAB command prompt, use the pyrun function. With this function, you can run code that passes MATLAB types as input and returns some or all of the variables back to MATLAB.

How to write a MATLAB function? ›

Syntax for Function Definition
  1. function myOutput = myFunction(x) If your function returns more than one output, enclose the output names in square brackets.
  2. function [one,two,three] = myFunction(x) If there is no output, you can omit it.
  3. function myFunction(x) Or you can use empty square brackets.

How do you create a function in MATLAB and plot it? ›

f — Function to plot

Specify a function of the form y = f(x) . The function must accept a vector input argument and return a vector output argument of the same size. Use array operators instead of matrix operators for the best performance.

How do you generate a random function in MATLAB? ›

X = rand( sz ) returns an array of random numbers where size vector sz defines size(X) . For example, rand([3 4]) returns a 3-by-4 matrix. X = rand(___, typename ) returns an array of random numbers of data type typename . The typename input can be either "single" or "double" .

What is the generation function in MATLAB? ›

You can use genFunction in the Deep Learning Toolbox™ to generate a standalone MATLAB function for a trained neural network. You can generate C/C++ code from this standalone MATLAB function. To generate Simulink® blocks, use the genSim function.

How do you convert an expression to a function in MATLAB? ›

ht = matlabFunction( f ) converts the symbolic expression or function f to a MATLAB® function with handle ht . If there is an equivalent MATLAB function operating on the double data type for the symbolic expression or function, then the converted function can be used without Symbolic Math Toolbox™.

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