The Register from Santa Ana, California (2024)

High School Seniors To Graduate Von mann. Karen Vollmar, Stephen Richard Schmittou, Barry Wagner, Stepehn Arnold Wack, Wagoner, Spencer Fredrick LeRoy Norman Robert Waite, Robert Darleen Walker, William Keith Waller, Wange. Dona Margaret Walsh, Ronald LeRov Donald Wasmuth. Mae Sandra Wantland, Lynn Watson. Michael nett, Gary Leon Jacqueline Bennett, Jacqueline Ann BenJames Bennett.

Ann Bennett, Roy Phyllis Patricia Ann Benson. Glenn Beralund, Kathleen Glenna Ann Lou Bernards, Benzel, Benson. Beswick, Ernest Bernhardt. Beth Thomas James L. Bethom, Lyle Jerald Ann June Beutler, Bilsborrow, Dennis Gail Biggs, Michalene Richard Herbert Birt, Lynn Dennis Katherine W.

Bird, burn, Johnnie Lewis Blankenship, BlackMichael Williom Blankenship, Lawrence Blatzer, Robert Oliver Blevins, William seth, Larry Bliss, Cynthia Lee Daniel Wesley rest Bodkins, Robert Bloom, Johnny ForMarsha Roswell, Ann Larry Borcich. Russell Ronald Thomas BIll Chester Boekelheide, man, Sandra Irene Boyer, Roger BowBoft. Bovle, Richard Lee Boyum, Eleanor AnnFillmore Bozarth. Conrad Richard William par Brandt. Braun Gary James Brauch, John EdBriar.

Dennis 11, Allen Jon Bretoi, Brodhagen, Judith Keithea Jean A. Ann Brown. Bronestine, Bob Gerald Don da Lee Brown. Jacqueline Pamela Carol Lynn Brown, Brown. LinRrown, Stephen Dennis Howard Brown.

Terry Alice Glenn Brozowski, Jack Ralph nett. Linda Jean Jolene Brvan Terrance Lynn Bur. Brucks. Robert Bruce Brunner, Burns, Burns. William Shella Jr David John Evers, Mary Sherian Kay Farmer, Clyde Leng Fogundes William ton.

Douglas Farrow, Joseph Raymond FenSampson Lee Seward Fields, Russell E. Flanders, Jessie Eugene Ferguson. Robert Lyndel Andrea Forbes, Carol Dole Jean Fleming. Ivan Myron Kathleen Dewey Johanne Fortin, Fowler, Creta Jane Fortney. Fox, Franklin, Barbara Donald Ann Joseph Frody, Dell Lynn Colle neth Freck.

Kathryn Irene Freeze, KenFranklin, ton Frisby, Dora Bur. Fultord. Michael Dale Fuentes. Fullmer. James Wicken Fullmer.

Allen a Sue Gallegly. A. Galkin. Onie Ice Ruth Goouette. Lee Arlene Gammon, Janlich, Jerry Neal Garrity.

Fave Marie C. GarWilliam Franklyn Gavk, Josephine Gary. vese, Claire Antoinette GenoRobert Gethoefer, Larry Gervais, John Maria Golob. Rex David Golston, Joine Jean Gombera. Robert Leonard Gomberg, Gloria Irma Gomez.

Sandro Le Goodall. Jose phine Duane Ellen Gose, John Alan Goshert, chalk. William Goss, Crandell Bonnie Gottschalk. Jean Gotts- lene Harriette Grab Ann Goza, Linda DarGran dos, Terry Vera Morston Tommos Grant, ine Martys Jane Granum, Christina CatherAlta Griffith. Roger Dana Gregg.

Vatrie Green, Elizabeth Walter James Groos. Mary Randy M. Guinan, Lawrence, Jilleath Diane Ann Claire Gusel, sure, Larry Everett Lee, Carol Ann Lee Lenhart. Lewis William Leeman, Carl Letz, Sue Leonard. April Sharon Patricia Ann Lico, Linda Jean L.

sett. eboom. Donna Jean Liltroth, George S. Lind Livingstone James M. Linder.

Janet Alice Theresa Lombardo. Patricia Bonnie Gail Lombardo. bert Cecil Longshore, Jr. Jo David Long. Her.

Mark onzo Caroline Pauline Lopez Nathan Loze. Lorance. Jean C. Lowry. Geneva Roderick Ann Robert Douglas Roberts Ludden.

Lyche, Llovd Mack McCarthy, J. Donna Louise McCulloch, Cynthia Lou McDaniel, McElroy Robert Lee McDaniel, Donald Terry Thomas McGhee, Gary Kathy Arnold McKay. McKnight, Carolyn June Judith McKibben, McKnight, Douglas Gordon McMurtrie, Joanne Larry Donna Ray McNeal, Dale Kit Bess McWhorter, R. Clark Mac. her.

gulay, Mack, Timothy N. MaLeroy Makino, Raymond Mahon. Makowsky, Robert Kazuo Janice Marie, Joseph Malvin, Diana Magdalena Man- Poul John Marsh. Patricia Ann Marquardt. Ronald fredi.

Marquez, Mary Daniel Ann Marquis, Marsili, Hope Edward Shar- H. ron Marsvia, Roval Barbara Jean Martin. Randolph Gary Frederick Marten. finer, Frank Margaret D. Martin.

Frank MarMartin, Evan Ramsey. Mike Raiston. B. Randall, Jr. William Karen M.

Louise Rasmussen, Monte Rathbun, Judith Elizabeth Ravmond, Jean beth Reed, Linda Reynolds. Ann Robert Reves, Constance, ElizaJon Carver Riley, Michael Bill John Clinton Rivenburgh. Sandra Rober- Rilev. son, Nancy Jean Roberts. Sunny Larue Roberts, Wynona Marie Robertson.

lohn Lee Rodriquez, Robert David Roeland, Dallas Sylvia LeRoy Sue Rolf, Rogers. Trudy Jean ers. hoom. Sandra Carolyn lean K. Roundy.

Rucker. Nila Donald Rae Wesly Ruder, Rowe. Richard Patricia Jean Ross. Roger Rosen. Paul Elaine Rupert, Russell, Carol Lee Russell.

Patricia Peter Anthony Rynders, Robert Elmer Rutledge, Sabin. Howard Fred Walter Sage 111, Carol Anne lows. Constance Alice Salmon, Palmer Bryan Sandeno. Victor R. Saul.

Norman Sawver, W. Wayne Scamman, Lohn Western High School in Anaheim bert. Ellen Scarlett, Sharon Kay SchuPatricia Ann Schuetz, Carole Anne will graduate its class of 1961 Schultz, Loretta Louise Schultz Nancy evening, June 15. Seelinger, Schultz, Kelly Dean Seistad, See. Kay Jone SeLee Ronald Francis Thursday Graduates are: phel, Barbaro Ann Sering, Irene Thelma Settle, Patty Gayle Settle, Nancy Emma Shoron Johnetta Louise Abbot.

Julie Ann Shank. Carol Elizabeth Sharp, Ackermon. Jatsv Ron A Virginia Adamo- Sarah Sue Webb, Joon Marie Waymire, Welch, Linda Achin, George Arthur Glenda Carol Watts. Cindy vich, JoAnne Adams. Sandro Louise Ag- Larry Lee Welch, John Robert Wesner, ner.

Nancy Ruth Allon, 11. Kenny Allen. Gary West, Ssuan Frances WhoArchie Gilbert Allison Carolyn Kay len, Alice Mae Wheatley, Dennis Allen Allred, Marilynn Jean Alt. Lillian Alvarado, Kath- Whistler, Edward Ronald Whitehead, Larryn, Altmon, Milton James rv A. Wichman, Karen Joy Wik.

ThomMelvin Amann, Dorothy Jean Judi Am- as Franklin Wiley, Ronald Wayne Witbrose, Betty Jane. Ammerman, W. kerson, Michael Stephen Ann Anderson. Anderson, Mary Ann Vicki Anderson, Lynn Anderson, Sharon erlv Williams, Delmer John Williamson, BevAnnette Yvonne Willis, Betty Ann Wilson, Patricia Nelda Apker. Patricia Ann Ap- Lovnal Lesley Wilson.

Norma Ann pell. Joan Ann Arbiso. Gloria Arciniega, Wimberty, John Michael Wiseman, Beth Sandra Marie Arnold Virginia Lee Ar- Witboard. Sharon Roe Wolfe, Joyce Ann nold, Olivia Lenora Arrey. Brion David Wolfson, Francine Rose Wolski, Barbara Ashbrook, Caria Marie Askier, Vance Susan Womack, Daryl Kent Wood, Roger Loval Atk ison, Diana Jean Augspurger, Samuel Wood, Katherine P.

WoodmanJames Alan Avrest. Connie Bailey, see, Gene Lawrence Patrick Woods, Ronald James Ludlow Baker, David Keith Bak- Jr. Workizer. James Edward Worrell, ke, Connie Moe Bakker, Thomas Shef- George Allan Wright, John Carroll field Bardeen Jr. Leon Ivan Barker, ra.

Wright, Sealv M. Yates, Stella R. Ybar. James Barndollar. Charles Robert A.

Yeotes, Gary Edward Yost, Froncis Bornett, Wayne L. Barnett. Ken- Arlene Cleo Young. Catherine keth Wayne Borney, Jr. Sharon Gall Young, Connie Joe Young.

Jerry EdBarr. Oliver Barrett, Jennifer Richard Lee Barrett, Ter. vin Stanley Ziegler, Rene Arthur Zuf. Margaret Barrett, John Young, Robert Bradley Young, MarBarett. Leslie Ann Bashore, Inc terev, Carol Jean Bush.

Genevieve Ann Rae Alon Botchelor, Mary Lucille Bave, Butler, Julleonn Bye. Charles Dennis bara Ellen Bill Beazlev, William penter, Elouise Jo B. Corr, Siviro Ann Byrd, Hillary Caolon, Carol Michael Beggs, Svivia Annette Bell, Carroll, Carmella Carrillo, Sandra Kay Crenshaw, Nancy, Paige Casserino. Elizabeth Scott Carey. Jeanne Sylvia Lillian Faith.

Crowe, Randolph J. Crowson, ginia Roe Chapman, Hope Chancellor, Chavez, Vir- Vir. Crimmins, MaryLou Cromwell. on a Kav Cavataio, Lee Rov Daniel Cuevas, Donald L. Cummings.

ainia Georgiana Chavez. Sharon Adell Andrew James Curtis, Phyllis Marie Chrestman, George Scott Christensen, Alessandro, Ronald Dane. Sharon Ma- chill. Larry David Liovd Christie, Patricia Ann Churrie Daniels, Sarah Dionne Darnall, Ger-1 George Clark, John Charles old Darnell, Susana Darnell, John Clark. Judith Marie Clark.

Nancy Corol Ernest Davis, Shannon Lee Davis, Rob- Clark, Richard Perry Clark, Merry ent Dale Dawson, Michael Ravmond ther Cleveland. Marcia Lee Clifford. Dean. Fred Manuel DeAviio, Theima Lou- Jovce Nige Cochlin. Gene 0.

Colburn. Cochell, do Fav Cloud. Joseph Larry Ise DeBoer, Earl William DeHarak, Ann DeJager, Leslie De- Stuart Hall Coleman, LaVerne Collier, Mary Long, Linda Joyce Denney. Diana Kath- Karen Patricio Collins, Noel Dean ColGranger leen Denning, Ronald L. Desposito, Nan- lins.

Timothy N. Collins. Dewsnop. Stanley Edien Alan Elton Conrad. Michael Duke ConDickson, Lorraine Terry Lee Dickson, Stephen wav, Robert Roger A.

Ray Cook, Conway, Antoinette Dan C. cordova. Cook. Jules Dienstfrey. Lois Andrea Dietrich, Phyllis Elizabeth Cornell, Ronald Earl Patricio Gemma Doak.

Michael Andrew Cornwell, Ray Corob, Louise Pamela Doherty, Nancy Elizabeth Dolan, Janine Correia, Renie Denise Corum. Donna Valerie Doran, John Wavne Doughty, Rae Costantino, Catherine Elizabeth Coul. David Franklin Douglas, Charles H. son. Marcia Lois Covington, Karen KathDowning, James Edword Drake, WIl- Ivne Cowdrev.

Dovie Clayton Craig, Rayliar Joseph Dreher, Mary Jane Dundas. mond Shields Craig. Jeanne Louise Bernard Paul Dunn, Sue Ellen Dusen- Crain. James Kenneth Crawford, Robert bery, Nancy Lee Duvall, Raleine Kave Joe lose Gustafson, Gutierrez, Sandra Ann Gustafson. Dye, John Carl Ebeling, James Richard litzel.

Lopez Tamra Michael Alan HabEbert, Robert Anthony Charles one Hale, Sandra Jean Dian Hagen, Kathleen DiEugene Eddy, Steven Ray Edwards, Joc- Hall, Linda Lee queline Louis Egbert, Bette Jane Eisen. Hamilton, Bertram Kathleen Mary Hamm. Greghart, Rodney Rex Elder, Judith Lynn mett. Hammett. Patricia H.

HamElmblad, Judy Maureen Cheryl Sharon Jean Hanion. Donald DuAnn Elshire, Joan Carole Emerson, Emil Wayne Hansen, Betty Louise Hanson, MiOdin Erickson, Michele Diane Erickson, chael Wynne James Hanson. Nolan John Hanson, Alicia Guadalupe Esqueda, Lion Robert Diane Harolson, Robert James Eton, Mary Ann Jaedicke. Warren Dal. Harris Harman, John A.

Harper, Lowana Maria las Jamieson, Rickie Lee Jensen. Charles Ronald Alfred Hartman, Louis Woodrow Johnson, Jr. Ernest Roy John- Fred Ronald Hastings, George Shinva Hatanaka. son. Ernest Shelby Johnson, Karen Ann Bruce Haugland, Dianne Gave Johnson, Rocky Floyd Johnson, Sharon Havmore Elleen Johnson, Barbara Lee Jones, Bill Michael Ray Heath, Kathleen LouDale Jones, Carole Lynn Jones, Glenn ise Patricia Henderson.

Sandra Henry, Marilyn Paul Jones. Linda 0. Jones, Maureen Henvan. Robert Allen Henvan, Diane Jones, Sharon Louise Jones, Di- Jack Edward Hering. Jorn A.

Herie, Albert Anthony Hernandez, Albert Sanchez, ane fred Rueben Joroslow, Connie Rhead Joseph Jump. Al- Hernandez, Robert Norwood Herrell, PaJurado, Dennis Jur- tricia Herring. Suzanne Patricia Herron. man. William Rov H.

Keene, Susan Jerry Eleanor Kel- Clarence Harold Hewatt, Bobby Joe Alan Kendall. Kidder, Hipp, Nancy Ophelia Hill. Jovce Eleanor Ida Lee Killian, Gayle Rae Kircher. Sha- Hodge, Cecile Hoefelmeler, John Klatt. rick, Hoffman, Emil Arnold Holborow.

Frederon Lee Kitchen. Donna Joan Ron A. W. Knight. Beverly Ann Carl Knotts.

Den- Alice Christina Holquin, Peter James Holnis Glenda Sue Knutson, Howard Edward John Koenig. Kory- linger, Gary Hermon Hooperbrugge, to, Richard Kovacevich. Peter Kenneth Kotyluk, Theodore Lou- Saron Lee Hoopas, Donald Wadsworth Koontz, dra Lee Hooker, Arvid Grant Hoppos, Is Sharon N. Rudolf Louis Kroll, Horn, Jr. Sheryl Lynn Hubert, Deanna Ronald Lee Kubo, Kupstas, Roger Masao Warren Kuehn.

Louise Humphrey, Dennis Lee Hunter, saka. Robert Vern Kuskie, Sharon Down Ku- chers, Arlene E. Leslie Hurd. Ann Charlotte Merlene HutHutchison, Julia Jean Lackey, Anne Morie Lafar, Yvette Ma- 0111 idler, Jacaveline Ann Idoine, John rie Latitte. Andrew Paul Lakatosh, Jr.

David Ishman. Randall S. Iwata, Lindy David George Lake, Jeffrev John Lamitt. Roy Jackel, Peter Martinez, Merlin Stoddard Lane, Ill, Linda LaVerne Lan- Eugene Marve, Gory Shuman Mathia. gen, Marion Sue Lanham, Clifton Her- Michael Phillip Mathias, Sharon Ann ben bert Kay Lantz.

Larsen, George Albert Larkin. Tor- Maver, Nancy Jean Meisenheimer, Craig Deanna LaTona, Dale Linda Sheldon Larson, R. William Mensina, Jose Mesa, James I. Meyers, W. Marie LaVoie, R.

Miles Gary Everett Robert Omieczynski, Oison, David Anthony ler, Eugene Melvin Jills Donald D. Jr. Carol Ann Onstott. Cath- Mills. Nancy Lou Milstead, Barbara L.

teen Lorraine Orendorff, William Don- Mitchell, Raymond Monastesse, Kathleen Tel O' Reilly, Rosemond Down Ormsby, Teresa Monty, Joan Moody. Chortes Victor Otoupalik, George Otsu- Wayne Allen Mooneyham, Shirley Kaye ka. Carolyn JoAnn Oviedo, Wanda Mae Moore, Alonzo Juan Morales. Phyllis Ann Lanette Owens, Pamela Sue Padgett. Moran, Diane Moreno, Duane Byron MorDennis Rov Painter, Charlyn Palmer, can, Edmund Alan Moriarity, Linda Ann Dennis W.

Palmer, Richard Anthony Pal- Morin, Rosalee Ella Morris. John Mormiere, Susan Marie Papp, Richard S. ton. Richard Timothy Moshenko, James Park, Katherine Mary Parker, Malcolm Dee Mount. Jeannette Mumford.

Effie Erin Parker, Ronald James Parker, Oil- Mae Munda Nancy R. Murakawa, Harvia Patricia Parks, Sara Lindsay Pat- old Joseph Murdock, Robert Roy, Murchen, Clinton Jerome Paul, Ethel Noreen phy. John William Murray. Ronald Alan Pearce. Musgrave, Nancy Carol Myers, Lila EdBeverly Jean Pellegrini, Kathleen Jane rie Roy Nackos, Nosh, Patrick David Paul Naranio, Victor Persiani, D'Ann Peterson, Edward L.

Pe- David Neelands, Charles Neal. Larry terson. Jeanne M. Peterson, Non Peter- Gordon Alan Nelson, son, E. Joanne Pettebone, Robert Ed- Mary Josephine Nelson, Susan Marie Nelward Pettilohn, Jr.

Victor Eric Pfendler, Newell, Steven Nerison. Nelson William Elizabeth Jane Phillips, Marjory V. Phil- lam Sharon Ann Nicolson, Gary Willips, Richard Lynn Pickering, Glenda Ma- Donald Nielsen, Allen Earl Kathleen Norcross, Paul rie Pickett, Virginia Ann Piedmont, Ar- Nordstrom. Anne 0'Brithur Stevenson Pierson, Jerry F. Pier- Bryan, Willard Mike O' Brien.

Patricia Jean son. Dianna Sue Pietsch, Sandra Eileen Nicky Jay Odowick, Clifford Pittenger, Des Marie Platt, Manuel Jose Ray Mike Olson, Michael D. Olson, Portillo, Jayne Audrey Potts, Clifford M. Shearer, Lloydy Shatka, Norman Earl Powell, Preston Price, Barry Dale Sharron Gav Sheets, George EmPriest, James S. Proctor.

Judith Pro- mit lean Shelton, Daniel John Shenk, Virginia kop. Darlene Louise Pugh, Michael Sherk, E. Shettel, Elaine ward Purcell, Betty L. Quadros. Thom- Ed- Marie Shields.

S. Alice Shiota. John C. as J. Quick, James Henry Rackel.

Mar. Schultz. Donald C. Silliphant. Robert Willlvn Stuart Victor Raffeld, Lin- liar Simon, Alexander Frederick Simpda Lee Railey, Gerald Edward Rakosky.

son, William Dean Sirginson, Ronald BerLeo B. Taliaferro, Ronald Kazuo nard Smego, Betty June Smith, Brenda Tamura, Duane Edward Taylor, Lowell Larve Smith, Carol Ann Smith. Charles Duane Mariorie Ann Taylor, Grant Smith, Dwight Thomas Smith, Muriene Taylor, Wayne Stanley Taylor, Garn Wright Smith, JoAnn Smith, Judy Leslie Ellen Teague, Linda Lois Teague, Erin Smith, Keith H. Smith, Laura James D. Jean Victor James Terry Temple, Sharon E.

Terrill. Smith, Patricia Ellen Smith, Priscilla Lee as, Gavie, Celeste Evelyn Thom- Smith, William C. Smith. Gary L. SmoThomas.

Judith Ann Thomas, Susan Gayle lin. William Richard Snell. Susan Elaine Thompson, Nancy Verne Thompson. Thompson, Judy Peg- Lee ise Snyder, Southern, Robert J. Edward Sommers, Alan Spangler, Joanne Rob- Lougy Sharon Ann Thompson, Throop, Sherry S.

Thornburg, ert Joseph Spaziano, John D. Lynn man, Sheila Ann Timms. Toimi Onerva Til- Carolyn Jean Spratte, Eleanor Fav StadtSpence, William E. Todd. lander, Janice Ellen Starker, Willie A.

Robert Torres, Robert Jay Townsend. Erma Earl Marie J. E. Starnes. Steffenson, Jack Stephen Frederick Stanley, Stellhorn, Sandra Anthony Toplikar, Marquist Phillip Trosper, Edward Ronald Traver, Raymond Thomas Patrick Stevens, Nelson Albert Trask, W.

Gene Tuger, Gloria Robert Tuinhout. Tucker, Ray- Lee Stewart Stolte. Dean Sharon Mae Raymond Stock, Bennie mond Larry John Tumborello, Joanne Jean Strasburg. BarTurner, Ernest William Ullery. Gall bara Melinda Stroud, Donna Mae Stroud, ron Setsuko Umino, Linda Sho- Stroud.

William Francis Mary Jennifer Vale, Virginia Van Urbina, Mory Stryker, Davis Jr. Eugene Albert Surprenant, styne, James Allen VonFoeken. Leo Alv- William Sutherland, John David SwegJohn Van Kampen, Virginia Ortiz er, Francis Swift. June Gail Swi. Carlyn Vickers.

Joseph Michael Volk- Vela, cart, Richard Andrew Szolosl, Gary W. Tacy. Board Passes Golf Course A master plan for a new 50- acre park and golf course for Costa Mesa was approved by the county board of supervisors Tuesday. The park, to be located north of the County Fairgrounds and east of the Macco off Newport will provide picnic units, a community building, a regulation golf course, a smaller "pitch and putt" course, and a total of nine parking areas, according to the plan. The decision followed a comment by Supervisor Claire M.

Nelson that legislation has been passed in Sacramento which will low the county to turn over management of the park district to the city of Costa Mesa, a move long sought by the Costa Mesa City Council. Orange Summer Reading Planned ORANGE "Through Disneyland by Book" has been chosen as this year's theme for the annual Summer Reading Club planned by the Orange Public Library for boys and girls of Orange. Any child who can read may join the, club. it was announced today Mrs. Ethel Swanger, city librarian.

Children may come to the bovs and girls department of the library any time after the last day of school to join for the reading program. The librarians in that department will help them find exciting adventure in books as they read their way through Fantasy. land, Tomorrowland, Adventureland, and Frontierland. The summer reading club gives the children of Orange a chance to get acquainted with the new library. Boys and girls who have never ben to the library are pecially invited to join in the fun of going "Through Disneyland by Book." A series of nine story hour programs to be held at the library will be announced later.

INDEX to The Register Classified Advertising Section All Classifications are in numerical order and appear in paper as they appear in the index. ANNOUNCEMENTS Funeral Directors 1 Funeral Florists Funeral Notices Special Notices 5 Personals Lost and Found Travel Opportunities 11 Schools Instructions 13 Business Service Directory 15 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Male 19 Help Wanted Male Sales-Agents 19 Help Wanted Female 21 Help Wanted Female Sales-Agents 21 Help Wanted Male Female 23 Help Wanted Male Female Sales-Agents 23 Employment Preparation 25 Situations Wanted Male 27 Situations Wanted Female 29 Situations Wanted, Male Female 30 PETS--POULTRYLIVESTOCK Feed-Seed-Produce, ete. Pets and Supplies 31 Livestock 33 Poultry- 35 Wanted Stock Poultry 37 Fertilizer 39 Feed, Seed, Hay, Grain 41 Fruits Produce 43 Trees, Plants, Flowers 45 Investments 47 FINANCIAL Money To Loan 49 Real Estate Personal Money Wanted 51 Trust Deeds, Mortgages 53 MERCHANDISE Auctions 55 Store, Office, Mkt. Bar, 57 Cafe, Equip. Fixtures 59 Machinery Tools 61 Swaps 63 Building Materials 65 Sporting Equipment 67 Cameras, Equip.

Etc. 69 Wearing Apparel 71 Miscellaneous 73 Home Furnishings 75 Home Appliances TI Sewing Machines 79 Antiques 83 TV- Record Players 85 Musical Instuments 87 Piano, Organs 89 Farm Equipment 91 Contractor Equipment 93 Wanted to Buy, Misc. 95 Buildings to be Moved 97 BUSINESS INVESTMENTS Business Opportunies 99 Business Opportunities Wanted 101 Investment Opportunity 103 REAL ESTATE FOR RENI Houses Furnished 107 Houses Unfurnished 109 Apartments Furnished 111 Apartments Unfurnished 113 Duplexes Furnished 115 Duplexes Unfurnished 117 Beach, Mts. Resort 119 Rooms for Rent 121 Trailer Courts 123 Room and Board 125 Room and Board Wanted 127 Rest Homes 129 Garages for Rent 131 Ranch Property for Rent 133 Industrial for Rent 135 Business Prop. for Rent 137 Stores and Offices for Rent 141 Wanted to Rent 143 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Orange County Prop.

149 Santa Ana Property 147 Out of County Property 151 Out of State Prop. 153 Lots Acreages 155 Sub- Division Acreage 157 Build on your Lot 159 Suburban Property 161 Industrial Property 183 Groves and Ranches 165 Desert, Resort Prop. 167 Income Property. 169 Business Property 171 Real for Exchange 173 Real Estate Wanted 175 Own Your Own Apt. 177 AUTO, BOATS, PLANES TRAILERS, TRUCKS, etc.

Electric Cars 181 Boats and Equipment 183 Airplanes, Parts, etc. 185 Trailers and Equipment 187 Trailers, Trucks Cars For Rent 189 Trucks, Tractors Campers For Sale 191 Motorcycles Bicycles 193 Accessories Parts 195 Repairing Painting 197 Autos Wanted 199 imported Cars 201 Autos for Sale 20.3 REGISTER CLASSIFIED ADS Orange County's Greatest Selection KI 2-6282 PR 4-1732 LI 8-9339 JE 7-3179 HY 4-1069 ANNOUNCEMENTS Funeral Florists MACRES FLORISTS Ana and 2 grandchildren. Member St. Joseph Catholic Church. Rosarv 8:00 p.m.

at Smith Tuthill Chapel; Mass Friday, at 10:00 a.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church: Burial at Holy Sepulcher Cemetery. Smith Tuthill in charge of arrangements. FANNIE C.

RANDOLPH RANDOLPH, FANNIE age 74, 342. N. Shaffer, Orange passed away Tuesday, June 13, 1961. Born in Tennessee, resident of Orange for 41 years. Survived by husband, Larry three brothers.

William Coats. Orange; Henry of Anaheim and Elia of Arkansas. Services to be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at Eudaly Funeral Chapel, Interment at Fairhaven Memorial Park. Elder John Shewmaker, Seventh Day Adventist Church, officiant.

STELLA K. REMME REMME, STELLA K. of 13921 Brenan Way, Santa Ana. 68. Passed away in Tucson, Arizona June 12 while visiting her son Charles Remme.

She is survived also by another son Clove H. Remme of Santa Ana. A daughter Mrs. Elaine Cappel of Temple City. Two brothers, Leonard Halvorson of Oregon and Willie Halvorson of Luverne, Minn.

2. sisters: Mrs. Hattie WIlson of Newell, So. Dakota and Mrs. Ed Iverson of Typestone, Minn.

Mrs. Remme will lie in state at the MacDougall Family Mortuary Thursday. Services will be held Friday 61 11:00 A.M. at the Peace Lutheran Church of Tustin. The Rev.

Paulus Voelzke officiating. Interment will follow at Forest Lawn Cemetery, Glendale. MacDougall Family Mortuary Santa Ang in charge of arrangements. MAY BELL MARTIN MARTIN, MAY BELL, 77, 1588 Riverside Ploce, Costa Mesa. Passed away Monday June 12.

Survived by 3 sons, Fred. Lyle both of Costa Mesa. Chorles of Roseville. grandchildren. 3 great-grandchildren.

Service time Thursday P.M. Baitz Mortuary Chapel, Costa Mesa. Officiant Edwin C. Gormke. Interment at Harbor Rest Memorial Pork.

EVELYN A. OLBERG OLBERG, Evelyn cge 41, 1842 Windsor Lane, Tustin, Calif, passed away June 12, 1961. Survived by husband. Fred C. Olberg; daughter, Leanne Olberg, age 14; son, Kenneth Clifford Olbero, age 10; three sisters, Mrs.

Jeanne Wiener, Stockton, Mrs. Alice Wolfson, Bockton, Mrs. Cloe Livinson, Orange, California. Member of Tustin First Presbyterian Church, Tustin Area Womens Club, Ebell Society Senior, Y.W.C.A Services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, June 15 at Blower Bros.

Mortuary. Dr. Kart Christ, officiant. Flowers speak comfort no words can express. Broadway at 5th.

Phone and Charge. Ph. KI 2-8841. Funeral Notices 3 ORA E. MYERS ORA E.

MYERS, 435 Treemont, Long Beach, Passed away June 11. Survived by husband: Richard D. Myers, Long Beach; two sisters: Clara Hill. and Cleo Neal Sharp, both of Santa Ana and a brother: Clyde Neal, Springdale, Ark. Private Service Friday at 2:00 p.m.

to be held at Smith Tuthill Mortuary. Interment at Loma Vista Memorial Pork. MARY ANN LUKEN MARY ANN LUKEN. 1416 Spurgeon Santa Ana, passed away June 13th. Survived by husband: Charles W.

Luken. Sr. Santa Ana; Daughters: Mary Scheve, Tustin; Esther Cogedell, Orange; sons: Marion Charles and Llovd all of Santa FOR RESULTS USE REGISTER CLASSIFIED Special Notices will not be responsible for any debts other than my own after 6-13-61. Gerald I. Kesterson, 830 E.

S. TWILL NOT be responsible for any debts other than my own after June 14, 1961. Joe Ledesma, S. Earlham. El Modena.

REFINED, gent about wishes 25 yrs. to No meet smok- nice ing or drinking. Club. Box No. 273 The Register.

WE HELP YOU WRITE ADS THAT PULL! Personals PRINCESS introduction. Low rates. 325 Anaheim, KE 5-1531. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Phone 8:30 A.M.

to 10:30 P.M. 7-1493. Alone Tonight? JE 4-4441 SUZY PARIS Social Club 5-10 p.m. THE ADOPTION INSTITUTE Non-profit. non sectarian, state license agency.

Service available to adoptive families desiring to adopt infants. Confidential service to mothers unwed girls desiring adoption for child WE 8-2621. 1026 So. Spaulding Los Angeles 19. WELCOME PARTNERS CLUB KEllogg Memberships Available Only Finest of Character Accepted.

FRIENDSHIP KE 8-4606 CIRCLE KE 8-1364 1530 W. Chapman. Orange WILL not be responsible for any debts other than my own after June 12. 1961. Rueben F.

Rocha, 2116 W. 5th Santa Ana will not be responsible for any debts other than my own after June 13th, 1961. Llovd C. Clark. 1033 W.

Highland, S. A. 5 LANGUAGE speaking young man 23 wants to meet a lady 18-36. Send photo or come to see Mr. Dobos, W.

4th. S. A. WIDOW alone, 48. refined, luxurious home security.

College grad. Seeks tall gentleman equal assets, 50-60. Box 265, The Register, Lost and Found LOST: Black white Chihuahua, tie split in one ear. Reward. JE 4 4370 TW 3-7605.

LOST: from auto. bet Laguna Bch. S.A. linen yardage unfin. linen sweater, June 8.

Reward. HYatt 4-4283 BEAGLE pup, male, 6 mo. Black brown white. Ans. to Simon.

Reward. 628 N. Parton. LOST Boston Terrier puppy. 1247 S.

Baker. KI 5-4850. Reword. LOST Parakeet blue white female banded 1958. Reward.

Vicinity 2108 Greenleof, KI 3-7331. LOST brn. male Dachshund. Childs pet. Reward.

KI 5-2570 after 3. LOST Parakeet. White blue. Ans. to Tommy.

2135 Sycomore. KI 9-1569 eves. KI 3-4724 days. LOST. Toro.

Cairn Rew. Terrier. Vic. M.C.A.S. LI 4-1230, Ext.

780. LOST Boxer, mole, Ans. Duke. Modieska, Reward. MI 9 2497.

to LOST W. Anah. fem. silver Knott's min. Poodle, Berry Farm.

Reward. PR 2-1361. Travel Opportunities 11 LEAVING June 30 for Cherry Point, N. C. Will take 2 riders.

KI 5-8970 after 6 P.M. Schools Instructions 13 VALWOOD RANCH For children 5-12. Our 6th year $17 per week Low rates include Call for info. LA I 8-7964. swimming riding, etc.

REMEDIAL English, Individual Instruction. Appt. KE 7.1823. SPANISH is easy, conversation grammar, Exp. tutor.

K1 5-6275. day program. KI 7-1582. INSTRUCTION for the DEAF. AN TEACHER wants pvt.

tutoring job for primary grade student. $2.50 lesson. LI 4-7053. FOR RESULTS USE REGISTER CLASSIFIED Schools Instructions 13 (CONTINUED) LEARN BY DOING ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY GROCERY CHECKING Free Aptitude Tests Individual Instruction Short MIDWAY COUGEATIONAY RATES. SCHOOL St.

Midway City TW 3-7816 BOOKKEEPING accounting. Tutor. lic professional training by Pubaccountant on live books. Write Box 276 The Register. TRAINING Placement IN YOUR AREA after weeks training EARN AS ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS TO $2.56 GROCERY CHECKERS, TO $148 WK.


ALL KEY COURSES PUNCH TO $450 GUARANTEED TO TRAIN NOW PAY LATER NEXT CLASS STARTS JUNE 19th APPLY IN PERSON WEST COAST TRADE SCHOOL 748 W. Williamson Ave. 1 Block So. of Commonwealth Fullerton LA 5-1176 12027 Garden Grove Blvd. Garden Grove JE 7-7113 Bus Service Directory 15 ADDITIONS DON'T a contract for additions, kitchens, patios, before getting our estimate first.

Deal direct with local, responsible contractor. Over 20 yrs. experience. Free estimate plan service. Joe Morrison, KE 8-2968.

ROOMS added, remodeling, repairs, RM. add. Comm. bldg. Fallout shelall or part.

Local contractor. FREE ESTIMATES. JE 4-7593. terms. Fncng.

JE 4-3855, JE 1-4873. ROOM ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES JE 7-3219 DRAFTSMAN, bidg. additions. Free est. sketches.

JE 7-0601. ASPHALT OILROAD OIl rock for driveways parking lots, seal coating driveways. Free estimates. Gilmore Trucking Co, LEx 6-6008. BANKRUPTCYPrepare Bankruptcy Schedules $35.

JE 4-6223 L. E. KIBEL Sons, repair, remodeling framing. Call Larry offer 5:30 p.m. JE 1-2154.

$5.45 PER SQ. FT. Will build your home or income units. Free plan service. financing.

STARVIEW HOMES, INC. JE 1-1453 925 N. Harbor, S.A. CABINET making carpentry, model all kinds, patios. LA 2-7874, Ralph Locurcio.

CARPENTRY GEN'L. carpentry by the lob or by hour. LI 4-6463. CARPENTRY, cabinet remodel. CA CARPET specialist.

J. F. CLEANING Childs, JE 1-3355. DIRTY CARPET? $12 Liv. Rm or 4c Sq.

Ft. KI 3-8271 CEMENT WORKCEMENT, stone, brick block work. State license. All work guaranteed. Free est.

K1 5-4481. Cement. Patios, driveways, pool decks. Free est. LE 9-7835.

ANY SIZE cement patio from $35 up. Formed, poured finished. KI 5-6318. Free estimates. KI 7-4952.

PATIOS, CEMENT WORK. RATES. CALL ANYTIME JE 1-4176. CEMENT work, 35c sq. Block, brick stone work.

LE 9-0548. PATIOS Cement work of all types. Large or small. VI 7-3365. PATIOS, walks other.

Gd. work. Sanchez. 7-2528. CLEANINGKITCHEN WALLS CEILING Washed $6.50 Floors Waxed Windows Washed KI 3-8271 HOME, office cleaning.

Walls, firs. Ssampoo rugs, divan, 2-3473. YOUR home cleaned. bath, etc. Carp sham.

min. $15. LI 8-8623. TR 1-4550. A Janitor Service.

Floors, windows carpets. Guar. Service commer. homes. TW 7-5044.

KITCHEN WALLS CEILING Washed $6.50 Floors Waxed Windows Washed KI 3-8271 DRAFTINGDRAFTING SERVICE Architectural electronic, electro mechanical. VI 7-3457. DRIVING SCHOOLPACIFIC DRIVING SCHOOL $39.50 Home Pick- up K1 2-5171 LICENSED resid. or new or remodeling. Free est.

JE 7-2096. ELECTRICIAN. Licensed. Small lobs welcome. JE 4-1892, FENCINGBLOCKWALLS REDWOOD.

Low High quality. No down, 3 vrs. Lic. ins. K1 7-3247.

GARDEN SERVICE DEPENDABLE Japanese gardener KE 3-2178 DEPEND. Japanese gardener. Mod. equipment Free est. JE 1-3256.

COMPLETE Gardening Service Mow, edge, rototill, renovate. new lawns, lite haul, clean up. JE 1-2001 COMPLETE LAWN SERVICE YARD CLEANUP LITE HAUL. JE 7-1260 LE 9-1852 ANY kind of yard work, reasonable rates. Free estimate.

JE 1-0553. GENERAL REPAIRWE do anything, anytime. No job 100 big or too small. Low reas. rates.

KI 2-7630 day or nite. MAULINGHAULING cleanup. 11-T. truck. Lge, small jobs.

Reas, 7-2643. LANDSCAPINGLANDSCAPING, pruning lawn renovat. Anderson's Nursery. 2650 Main. K1 7-1851 25 yrs.

experience. CUSTOM landscaping, sprinkler lawns layouts. KE 5-4834. LAWN MAINTENANCEMAINTENANCE RE construction. reasonable.

8-7088. GREENBLADE Lawn Service. Serving Orange Co. Reas. rates.

TW 3-8263. DAVE service March's lawn gardening by lob or monthly. Eves. JE 1-4449, TW 3-5623. FREE ESTIMATES Complete yard services landscaping, rototill, clean- up, job, lawn recond.

a (Satisfaction guar.) anteed). LI 8-5164 or MI 6-7254 aft. 6 p.m. LAWN mowing, pruning, spraying. Clean up, hauling.

3-7246. LAWN MOWING, EDGING, TRIMMING CLEAN UP. KI 2-6124. EXPERT yard work. Power tools.

KI 5-0212. NEAT EXPERIENCED LAWN WORK. LI 4-3492. HANKS Lawn Serv. Anaheim-Fullerton, LA 1-6748.

LAWNS, general yd. by job or by mo. Exp. K1 3-5677. ALL ing.

kinds All of power lawn work equipment, garden. Call eves. KI 3 8715 LAWN MOWER REPAIRALL ened types of lawn mowers sharprepaired. Diamond St. bik.

off Edinger KI 5-4245 or Ki 9-0083. All work auar. ORGAN INSTRUCTIONORGAN LESSONS. your home or 9-1852 PAIN PING DECORAT.CALL Cliff the painter No lob too small. You've tried the rest, now try the best, K1 3-3535.

25, Lic. YRS. fine painting decorating. Ins. Free est.

K1 9-0142. PAINTING by the hr. Reas. Quality work, profession, equipment. Father son.

KE 8-0773. PAINTING. state licensed, non-union. work myself. Free est.

Very reas. W. J. Smith, KI 7-2308, anvtime. PAINTING interior exterior.

Reasonable. Free estimates. K1 9-2864, PAINTING, ins. paper. 30 yrs.

exp. Don Stumm. K1 3-1201. AVERAGE 3 bdrm. house, painted, ext.

$195 inc. labor material. 15 INTERIOR Work guar. TW 3-6947, or exterior pointing. Reas.

Free est. JE 7.9254. PAINTING, Interior exterior. Best of references. KI 5-2677.

PAINTING. Reasonable. Free esti: LA 8-1527 PAINT. PAPERHANG.PAINTING Papering. Licensed KE 5-8480, after 6 p.m.

PAPERHANGING painting, since '38. Reas. prices, free est. Mr. Mrs.


KI PHOTOGRAPHYCINEMATOGRAPHY service for weddings, etc. KE 3-3947. PLASTERING PLASTERING, all types. Satisfaction guaranteed, 5-0674. PLUMBERPLUMBING, repair water heaters and sewer stoppages.

Freeman Little, plumber, JE 1-3148. ROCK, SAND, GRAVEL SAND gravel for all purposes. Good top soll. KE 8-3595. ROCK, loose plaster sand top soil delivered.

KE 8-5938. SHAVER SERVICEMcKINNEY'S S. Main Shaver Service, S. Main KI 2-4391 TILEREPAIR work, new work-wall Tile floor tile. JE 4-0130.

TRACTOR WORKLOT leveling, skip loader, clean-up work. KE 8-7796 wk. aft. TREE SERVICETRIMMING, Topping, removing. Reasonable.

KI 9-0409. FRANK PATERNO Tree Trim. TOPPING REMOVING. KI 3-2161 T.V. REPAIRBELL TV repairs, any make TV Service.

$2.50, Call 2-5990. UPHOLSTERYEXP. uphol. Your pair. No lob too KE 8-5235.

EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Male 19 R.E. SALESMAN WANTED Need good man to specialize in acreage, sub-division, etc. Only exp. man considered. Top comm.

See Smith at HARRY B. COOPER, $50 So. Main Orange. TRAIN FOR grocery checking. Now Now accepting enrollments, see Ad Class 25.

West Coast Trade Schools. WRITTEN GUARANTEE Earn $125 to $225 wkly. Protected est. terr No pressure selling. Exp.

not nec. No lay-offs. Married, 23- car. LE 9-7873, KI 3-2100, K1 2-6571. Fuller Brush Co.

NEEDED IMMEDIATELY USED CAR SALESMEN For the fastest growing used car operation in the County. We have one of the best compensation plans available. Only hard working, aggressive men need apply. See Mr. Walter Buckley.

515 E. 1ST ST. S. A. No Phone Calls Please $200.00 TO $400.00 COMM.

EXP. DIRECT SALESMEN. Water Softeners. Leads Furnished PR 2-8444. WHITE CROSS Our wise.

agents are healthy, wealthy They sell what people need want to buy. THE NEW GUARANTEED RENEWABLE FOR LIFE HOSPITAL MEDICAL PLAN. We supply yOU all the mail and phone leads you can use. Earn $50 to $150. Paid daily monthly lifetime renewal checks.

Phone KI 2-2473. POLICE OFFICERS NEEDED See ad National Academy of Law Enforcement. MEN with electronic background for permanent salaried position with large Santa Ana firm. Will train for good future servicing electronic office machines. Will consider men with radio or tape recorder repair experience.

Write giving references, experience or training to P.O. Box 1804. Santa Ana. VACATION Barber, 2 months, $1.75 haircut. Immediate.

Tustin Square Barber Shop, 620 So. Tustin. 2 CARPET salesmen wanted. Apply Al Terrence, 510 W. Center, Andheim.

See Mr. Wicam. SERVICE Salesman. Buick exp. preferred but not necessary.

Contact Mr. Ball, Service Mar. Reason Buick 221 E. 5th, Santa Ana. MAINT.

mechanic exp. In pipe fitting hydraulics welding, Submit qualifications to Box 278, Register. TOOL MAKER Experienced in R. 134 Electronic Machine Products, Industrial Way. Costa Mesa.

LI 8-6701. PURCHASING AGENT Prefer knowledge of electronic cable materials. K1 9-2266 for appt. CUSTOM SYSTEMS CORP TRIO work. wanted Apply for La Rosa's Friday Saturdav Little Italy, 8302 Orangethorpe, Buena Park.

ESTABLISHED building organization has sales position with unlimited potential for man having top confidence sales ability. Training program if qualified. LA 1-5270. EXP. life agent to manage local ofFIRE extinguisher service man for fice.

I Box 276, The Register. Orange County. pay, we train, no age limit. Angeles 8-3181, 1153 S. Eastern LARGE life insurance Co.

can use good salesmen. Permanent posifion. excellent guaranteed salary comm. while fraining. For appt.


OF LINCOLN) $30. WEEKLY to start, part time. Route sales. 20-50. Car.

LE 9-7873. Fuller Brush Co. RETIRED? Need Cash? I can offer you a pleasant part time sales job that will occupy your spare hours if you enjoy talking to contact Mr. Hansen. Circulation Dept.

The Register 625 N. Grand Santa Ana Orange County's Home Newspaper KI 2-6282 Santa Ana, Cal. Help Wanted Male (CONTINUED) DISHWASHERS bus boys, over 18, exp. pref. GIN ANE Personnel Agency 2-7812 1763 Harbor, Disneyland Anaheim, (between main ent.

Katella) WANT men to play. 16 sio-pitch soft ball Call JE 1-2277 after 6. ESTABLISHED ice cream routes available. Gd. earnings.

No Investment required. Tropical Ice Cream, 1236 W. 5th Santa Ana. RESUMES Writing, counseling MAY. BODILY.

Sales, KE 8-3846 T.V. REPAIRMAN Immediate opening for expert enced bench man for repair of TV, radio small appliance. Excellent working conditions. plus incentive plan. Fringe benefits, 40 hour week.

Apply Personnel Office Montgomery Ward Co. 17th Bristol, Honer Plaza, K1 7-6841 SERVICE STATION ATT. Age 25-50 CAL WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1779 W. Lincoln Anaheim 2-8303 Component Tech. Assistant ELECTROMECHANICAL H.S.

Grad Know Electronic Theory Exp. In Factory Work CALL Eric Kroesche KI 9-2911 Ext. 222 Or Apply Collins Radio 3324 Warner Road SANTA ANA U. S. CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED All qualified applicants will consideration without regards receive to race, creed.


Shop. JR. ACCNTS. 2 yrs. loc.

exp. LAB TECH-2 yrs. college, gd. math. RESEARCH SALES ENGR.

$800 COST 2 yrs. college Under 30. ELECTRONIC TECHS. SR. ENGINEERS, deg.

M.E. nec. nec. JR. IND.



Brookhurst Anaheim KE "Between 5-2135 Lincoln S.A. Freeway" Eves. PR 4-1009 DISPLAY Denney's cooks. 2 ops. Top wages.

Coffee Shop, 1600 Coast Laguna Beach. HYatt 4-0600. PRODUCTION ENGINEER Rapidly exanding instrument manufacturer production has openings for a young engineer, with 2 to vrs. experience production methods systems. Submit resumes 1644 to Servonic Instruments Whittier Costa Mese.

PUB. REL. $520 Talk to groups. Promote resort crea. lob! APPROVED PERSONNEL 1311 S.

Los Angeles, Angheim. Full EXP FENCE SALESMAN Fullerton time for S.A., Anaheim, with area. car Must be resident good phone. Work out of Anaheim office. Advertising leads furnished.

ALLEN Blvd. FENCE CO. 5944 Mission W. Riverside, Calif. OVerland 6-1888 JEWELER exp.

trade shop work needed Immed. for S. area. Permanent position for right man. Box 268, The Register.

EXPERIENCED bodily Injury claims adiuster New office. Hartford Claims, 112 West 3rd, S.A. KI 7-7481. EXP. furniture appliance salesman.

Apply at 7101 Lincoln Buena Park. EXP. FORD MECHANIC 695 Wanted S. at once Laguna Beach. Coast Hwy.

Call service mar. HY 4-8515. MACHINISTS CLASS A to $3.25 hr. CAL-WESTERN 1779 W. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Lincoln Anaheim PR 2-8303 PART TIME Experienced washer dryer repairman of instructingW.

4th, S.A. REAL ESTATE Salesmen needed. Experienced. Unusual opportunity hard workers to make more money. Box 27, Orange.

FRY COOKS, all shifts. Top GINANE Personnel Agency, 1763 S. Harbor, Anaheim. PR 2-7812 (between Disneyland main ent. Kotella).

A MUFFLER Installer, must be Permanent, K1 5-0444 or OR 3-1884. CLERKS, over 40 for Liquor Food Anh. Mart. State Box age, exper. religion.

areq. R-280, Register. 40. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. Age to Exp.

not necessary, but prefer some type sales J. R. KI GIBSON 1211 N. Broadway. 7-6221.

AUTO Broadway Wax Polish expr. Only Anaheim Car Wash 550 N. Euclid, Anaheim. EXP. Service station attendant.

Salary comm. OR 3-3320. MAN for tune UD minor mechanical work. Local refs. Box 277 Register.

EXP. man for alignment brake ister. work. Local refs. Box 281 RegSALES routes Drivers for local retail milk Only men interested in selling between ages 21 to 35 need apply.

Guaranteed salary paid vacation, welfare pension plan. Apply Todds Dairy Co. 2731 Halladay, ARCHITECTURAL S.A. between 2 5 p.m. oughly exp.

Small office JE 1-3503. Thordraftsman. quired. NURSERY salesman. Calif.

exp. re12742 Brookhurst Wright Garden's Nursery, LE 9-1658. G. G. Eves.

Help Wanted Male 19 Wednesday, June 14, 1961 Help Wanted Male 19 (CONTINUED) AUTO body man Perm. Laguna Beach. HYatt 4-3019 days. HYatt 4-5579 evenings. LOT MAN Must have experience, top wanes, good working conditions.

Must be reliable. Ask for Mr. Wavy. INTERNATIONAL AUTO PLAZA 12222 Garden Grove Blvd. Garden Grove JE 4-0920 BARBER for 2 or Mel Max Shopping Center, 1526 Chapman Ave.

Orange, KE 8-6332 FRY COOK $14 $18 Day CAL- WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1779 W. Lincoln Anaheim PR 2-8303 LEADS PLENTY OF THEM! ITEM Water Softeners PLACE Santa Ana PHONE KI 9-3301 RECEIVING inspector, use precision measuring instruments. For infor. PR 4-2900. Mrs.

WARE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Prod. Foreman. production. 3. coll.

plus 2 yrs. mass $600 FEE Designer. Transistor circuitry. background Open I Methods Inspector. 1st Planner.

Article 1-2 yrs. $2.75 college. hr. Mfg. engineering.

2 vrs. exp. Addltional exp. may be substituted for college $620 Electronic Tech. $2.81 hr.

Design Draftsman- Checker $3.95 hr. Hardings Chucker $3 hr. Truck Mechanic hr. Exp. Tool Rm.

Clerk hr. A-1 Machinist Open Tool Die Open 433-A W. St. Costa Mesa L1 8-3481 KI 9-1328 MEMBER CHEF Cafeteria experience. $6.50 mo.

CAL WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1779 W. Lincoln Anaheim PR 2-8303 AUTOMOTIVE HELP WE NEED TOP MEN NEW CAR DEALERS, ETC. GROVE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY JE 7-3430 Dept, JE 7-3434 CASUALTY SALES $433 $100 mo. car expenses other expenses. H.S.

grads 23-35. Training period. Auto, fire, theft, casualty. Fee pd! Also fee lobs. APPROVED PERSONNEL.

Los Angeles, Anaheim. GUARDS, uniform arms. Box No. 266, The Register. IMMEDIATE OPENING Senior architectural draftsman.

Good pay. Opportunity for vancement. Transa Structures, Inc. LA 5-0271 EVES. KE 2-2918 SERVICE sta.

attendant, exp. in tune Up brake Must be over 25. Apply Mobil Gas Station, 17th Tustin Ave. S. A.

MILLING MACHINE OPERS. (2ND SHIFT) Must be "Class Operators with a minimum of 3 years recent close tolerance experience. -0 A HONE OPERATORS Minimum 2 years hone Lapp experience on close tolerance, high finish work Prefer internal experience on Sunnen micromatic "CADILLAC GAGE CO. 1866 WHITTIER COSTA MESA NEED AN ASSISTANT MAN WITH CAR For permanent position with Century Metalcraft, having just opened new office for Orange Co. Selected man will have personal supervision by company executive.

Earnings while training about $125 week in commissions bonus. Sales experience an asset but will consider inexperienced man who is willing to work learn company procedures. No canvassing. This is a perma nent position. Personal interview at 10869 10 A.M, Beach 2 P.M.

Wednesday. Stanton. (Hwy. 39). Part Time Man With Car To earn $60 $90 wk.

in comm. bonuses. Working for Century Metalcraft Corp. evenings wkends. Sales exp.

not as full training is given. No canvassing, no collection, no deliveries. Personal interview at P.M. Weds. 10669 Beach Blvd.

(Hwy, 39) Stanton. Help Wanted Male Sales-Agents 19 SOLICITORS WANTED PART OR FULL TIME TO SELL LOCAL PRODUCT IN Orange necessary. County. Splendid Experience not any person Interested in ever oper. training ating KI business For appointment call 2-6282 and ask for Mr Hanson.

EXPERIENCED door to door salesman. $125. wk. Apply 10-12. 2166 Ball Rd.

COLLEGE STUDENTS and HI SCHOOL SENIORS 208 S.A. COLLEGE MEN Here's your chance for summer vacation employ. ment. Full or part time. We'll show you how to make top commissions selling new Fords, Falcons, Thunderbirds used cars.

See Frank Feener at MARK DOWNING FORD 225 5th Huntington Bch. SALESMEN Construction Sales. Qual. prospects furn. 3 sales per mo.

guar. $600 min. will train. Also Spanish speaking salesmen needed. Ph.

for appt. JE 1-1455. STUDENTS OVER 18 Summer mailing list work. Can average more than $25. per day comm.

Car allowance. See Larry after 3 p.m. 206 N. Main, Rm. HIGHS SUMMER SCHOOL JOBS SENIORS We openings for students to work in our promotion- qualified al department.

Work in Los deles area or in resort Palm AnQualified Las Vegas, Tahoe etc. Springs, students may work overseas, Japan. Hawail Europe, South Amerwill ica, be awarded to scholarships plicants. outstanding apFor $97.50 appt. PER JA WEEK SALARY 2 p.m.

call 7-1579 9 a.m. to Help Wanted Male 19 Approved Personnel "ORANGE COUNTY'S ACCTG. Cost Budg. est. IE or bus.

adm. $9,000 Ofc. mgr. const. bkgd.

$8,400 $7200 deg. Jr. acct. yrs. exper.

$5M Jr. Cost acct. Jr. exper. $6M Cost acct.

acct. deg exper $450 colla. or exp. DENGRS. Sales Chem enor.

(rec. EE to $24,000 Ind'l orad. OK) $7,800 to $12M Dsn. Enor. BSME, exp.

to $12M Dsn. engr. mech. pts. $8400 Prod.

Dev. deg. to $10M Arch, (pre-fab) hses. $7200 Civ. drits.

Mech. exp. to $426 engr. dits. Land dev.

$6M Mech. dits. Air cond. $6M Arch. Electro-mech.

2 vrs. coll. exper. to $494 or exp. $346 TRNEES.

Prev. ofc. SUDV exp. nec. $475 Top momt.

deg. 10 29 Colla. grad. "8" avg. $400 Colla.

marketing $400 Degree. Sales bkgd. $475 1311 S. LOS ANGELES AGENCY TOP JOBS" Contact Record cik. rep.

3 (finance) Contract Contract adm. $12M days $79.00 Stationery anal. Systems $720J Adjusters stores cik. HS $383 Claims adj. casualty exp.

to $8400 Qual. control deg. $430 Jr. estim. Tronics $7500 exper.

$450 Sales Exper. $7200 Acct. machs. HS reps. (ofc.

machs.) $450 Batteries, grads. $100 car exp. bkgd. helps. Car turn.

super-mkt. sales Insp. supv. 'tronics to $8500 Methods planner. Metal tab.

Assemb. castings plastics $7500 Proi. adm. Tronics Tops $7800 supv. Shop.

supv. ind'l. exper. $7200 mgr. Tool die.

(Partnership) $650 Artist (production) $300 PBX. Cameraman. No Robertson $346 exp. To 50. Ofe.

train part time $165 will mach. repairman $390 Lab. Trnee. tech. Student OK! $390 Repair ofc.

machs. $277 ANAHEIM PR 2-1540.

The Register from Santa Ana, California (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.